Share yourself to the world with jobworX. A robust platform that will highlight your skills to potential employers.
Dashboard Demo
Your worXspace
In under ten minutes, create a profile that you can share with a click of a button
Personality Graph
jobworX personality assessment
Our personality assessment is a quick and easy way to highlight your workplace fit. Our assessment highlights your best personality traits and allows you to present them to potential employers.
Personality Graph
Record Self-Interviews
Here you can introduce yourself by answering our self-interview questions. Our self-interview feature allows an employer instantly to learn more about you. You have the option of answering the questions in audio only as well as video.
Personality Graph
Find the jobs that match your skillset
We give you access to the jobs that fit your skill set and career goals via our AI job matching technology.
jobworX mobile app Complete Profile
Easily show who you are with potential employers
With a click of a button, you can share a robust presentation showing your skills, any professional or social portfolio links, personality assessment, self-interview, experience, and your resume.
Show off your skills
Easily add all your professional skills to your profile
Show off your portfolio
Easily add any portfolio links to your profile
Create your worXspace
Become more than a resume. Click below to create your profile.